Servohydraulic test bench (2400 kN)

Servo-hydraulic test facility for performing uniaxial and triaxial tests.
The tests are performed under program control. The load control can be carried out displacement- or force-controlled. Long-term tests (uniaxial or triaxial) are also possible, as are tests in the post-failure range.

Five long-term pressure test rigs

Long-term unconfined compression tests are carried out in a climatic chamber where the temperature and relative humidity can be controlled. The tests can be carried out both force- and deformation-controlled. These test rigs can also be used to record the long-term shrinkage behavior of the specimens.

Climatic chamber

The climatic chamber is a test room where certain conditions such as temperature and humidity (rel. humidity) can be kept constant or varied for the duration of the test.

Cerchar Test (CAI)

Wear prediction on solid rock with the Cerchar abrasivity tester


Even loose rocks can cause massive wear on tools

LCPC apparatus

Screening test

This test apparatus is used to determine the decay resistance of rocks

Los Angeles Test

The Los Angeles method is used to determine the resistance to shattering.

Yield Point

The yield point corresponds to the limiting water content between plastic and liquid consistency of a cohesive soil. The Casagrande device can be used for the determination.

Yield point

The yield point corresponds to the limiting water content between plastic and liquid consistency of a cohesive soil. The falling cone device can be used for the determination.

Plastic limit

The plastic limit corresponds to the limiting water content between stiff and semi-solid consistency of a cohesive soil. The water content of a sub-sample is determined at which the sample begins to crumble when it is rolled out (3 mm thick rolls) on an absorbent base.